Awesome Sally

The girls depicted what they believe is the ultimate Girls Who Code student and listed characteristics that she possesses. As they presented, they emphasized that each student in this class is their own version of Awesome Sally!

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Spirit Week

AUGUST 4: Twinning Tuesday

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AUGUST 5: On Wednesdays, We Wear Pink
You CAN sit with us.

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AUGUST 6: Stripes / Plaid Day
(and a visit from GWC Curriculum Director Emily Reid)


AUGUST 7: Girls Who Code T-shirts
(field trip to Microsoft in Times Square)

Edited with Polarr Photo Editor


Over the last 3 weeks, we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well. So, we decided to do a bonding activity in which we compliment each other’s good qualities. A ball of yarn keeps track of the path of compliments — with each girl holding on to the part of the yarn that they received before passing on the yarn (and a compliment!) to another girl.

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Summer Immersion Program Week 2 teaches students more complex concepts in Computer Science,
Python programming language, and robotics.

The girls learn about variables, solve problems regarding variables,
and present their answers to each other:

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Then, we moved onto harder concepts like nested loops and functions.
To give the girls a better understanding of each concept, we like to act out these concepts in real life!

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The girls implemented these concepts using Python to create an
Obama campaign poster style photo filter and to make their robots dance to music!

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Open House

Check out what Accenture set up for the students, parents,
and Accenture employees at the Open House:


We LOVE photo ops!

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Time for mingling before and after the presentation:

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A word from Meg (Girls Who Code Accenture program manager),
Ananya Dass (Accenture program teacher), and Larry Solomon (Accenture North America COO).

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Day 1

See the wonderful classroom that Accenture set up for us:

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The girls playing icebreakers and the name game:

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Our Classroom Contract — aesthetics inspired by Accenture’s logo!
